Dealing With Carpet Stains

Everyone has a different approach to combating fresh stains on a carpet. Most consumers are quick to run to a nearby cabinet to snatch some sort of solution and pour it over the stain. While this may seem like a smart idea, it’s really not. Many people end up damaging

How To Remove Red Wine Stains

Red Wine For red wine you need to act quick. If you have white wine anywhere near use that to dilute the red. Pour the white wine on the affected area and then soak the wine up by pressing with paper cloths. Rinse well and then try sponging with a

How To Remove Soil

Soil Soil should be allowed to dry and then you should simply brush it off. You can then give the fabric a pre-soak in a laundry detergent containing enzymes and then launder normally. If you have any grass stains you might want to perform the grass stain removal process before

How To Remove Orange Juice Stains

Orange Juice Fresh juice stains need to be acted on fast. If they dry they are very hard to remove so it is best to attack them as soon as they occur. You begin by sponging with water to dilute the stain as much as possible. Use cool water, never

How To Remove Ice Cream Stains

Ice Cream Start by physically removing as much of the ice cream as possible without pushing it into the fabric. Use a spoon or blunt knife to get it off. Wash in a warm wash with a detergent that contains enzymes (if the fabric can be washed in an enzyme

How To Remove Bleach

Bleach It is essential that you treat a bleach stain immediately. You should start by flooding the affected area with lots of cold water. This will dilute the bleach and hopefully stop it damaging the fabric. If the bleach stain has removed colour from the fabric it is not going

How To Remove Vomit

Cornstarch and Milk Paste Pour a bit of milk into a small dish and add a small amount of cornstarch mixing until a paste is formed. Add more starch if too runny or milk if too thick. Apply the paste liberally to the stain and let dry. Once dry scrape

How To Remove Soft Drinks

Liquid Laundry Detergent Place the fabric into a basin of cool water and a few tablespoons of liquid laundry detergent and soak for 1-2 hours (overnight if stain is set.) Agitate the stain every 15-20 mins by rubbing it between your fingers and submerge it back in the water. Launder

How To Remove Sauce

Sunlight Before attempting to remove the stain on fabric, use the edge of a butter knife and very carefully scrape away the excess sauce trying to ensure you do not spread the stain. Soak the fabric in cool water with a bit of liquid dish soap added for about 30

How To Remove Mud

Vacuum For fabrics, do not try to clean the mud when wet, no matter how bad you want too! Allow the mud to fully dry before working on the stain. Once dried use the hand held part of the vacuum cleaner (usually the hose attachment. Brush attachment if available) and